Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, Hello! This is officially my first post on Blogspot! Woo hoo! I created this with the encouragement from my older sister, Stacie, who told me it would be a fun idea to start one since I'll be off on my own in... geez, just a few weeks now. Just a little background info before I start off on my future: I just graduated from Eagle High School with highest honors, and am going to Brigham Young University (Provo) for the fall and winter semesters.
So that pretty much brings us to now, leaving me with exactly two weeks at home until I'm in Utah.
Current emotions: Excited, terrified, intimidated.
If you know me really well, you know how much I absolutely love spending time with my family. It is going to be a whole new experience being in a completely different state and not having the immediate support of my family just around the corner. Sure, they'll still be just a phonecall or a 'webcam' away, but I'm still finding the whole aspect of being alone quite intimidating.
However, I am pretty excited. I have some friends from SOAR (Summer of Academic Refinement, probably THE best summer program at BYU, in my opinion) in Utah that I am really looking forward to meeting up with again that I've missed a lot. And, I can't deny that I'm excited to shop. Utah definitely has a couple of stores that we are deprived of here in Idaho. And, as crazy and nerdy and... weird as this might sound, I'm actually very excited to get back to the school aspect of college. I've really been enjoying my summer, but my brain is MIA and I'm looking forward to testing myself and seeing how I handle this new frontier.
That being said, I am... partially prepared to go to college.
I registered for my classes a couple of weeks ago -- a process that took way longer than I'd expected. Of course I procrastinated to consider my classes until the day before registration, and it literally took me ALL DAY to figure out which classes I wanted, when I wanted to take them, and what would replace them if I didn't get in. It was extremely stressful, and so was the actual registration process itself. I ended up getting all the classes that I wanted, though. I'm taking: Lifestyle management, American Heritage, Book of Mormon, University Honors Writing, and Hawaiian Language. You can probably guess which class I am really excited for (Hawaiian!). However, as of yesterday, there were only THREE STUDENTS in the class, including myself! I'm trying not to worry too much, because the highest amount of students taking that class had been 6... But I'm just worried it will diminish to 1 and the class will be cancelled. So now my new problem is trying to find a replacement for 4 credits. Frustrating.
Mom and Dad recently bought me an AMAZING laptop, on which I am currently making this post. And I also have an equally amazing printer that I get to take along. I just bought a backpack from PacSun yesterday (online) and it should be coming on the 21st.
My biggest feat for the time being is packing. I am having a lot of trouble trying to decide what clothes I need and which ones I can live without. I haven't quite come to my shoes yet, but that will definitely be a major problem when it swings around. I have some office supplies and kitchen supplies and a nice little bedset; I'm equipped with nearly all the basics. I'm just really intimidated and worried that I will forget something essential, but I have no idea what that something could be.
So, I guess that's all I have to say for now. I'll try to post some pictures up, and maybe I'll grace you with a picture of how my packing is going. And maybe I wont. :)